About the ShakeAlert® Ready Schools Community
Students, staff, and others who are a part of K-12 school communities in California, Oregon, and Washington know they are in earthquake country. They do a good job practicing how to respond to ground shaking from earthquakes during drills and other exercises. Many K-12 school communities are now taking the critical next step by adding ShakeAlert-powered technology to their earthquake preparedness toolbox. With potential seconds of warning, automated alerts (typically delivered school’s public address system) prompt people to Drop, Cover, and Hold On as an important life-safety protective action before strong shaking reaches their location
The ShakeAlert Ready Schools project is facilitated by the U.S. Geological Survey and state partners in California, Oregon, and Washington. All agree that taking an immediate protective action requires ongoing practice, because seconds matter!
Learn More
If you are already a member of the ShakeAlert Ready Schools community, excellent work! Learn more and build earthquake resilience in your school by exploring the ShakeAlert Ready Schools Resources on this website; they are available to inform and inspire all learners to be ShakeAlert Ready!
For more information about installing ShakeAlert-powered technology in schools, contact:
Robert-Michael de Groot, Ph.D.
USGS Coordinator for Communication, Education, Outreach, and Technical Engagement
ShakeAlert Earthquake Early Warning System
rdegroot@usgs.gov or by phone 626-583-7225
ShakeAlert Ready Schools Resources
ShakeAlert Ready School Plan
The ShakeAlert Ready Schools Plan offers time-of-school-year suggestions for school administrators and teachers, including links to grade-appropriate teaching and community outreach/education resources.
Staff Back-to-School Presentation
Intended Time of Year: (August / September)
(3 minutes) This presentation is designed to be a brief introduction or reminder about how Earthquake Early Warning works and how to respond when someone feels shaking or gets an alert. Speaker notes are provided.
Intended Time of Year: (1-3 weeks before earthquake drill lessons taught)
(30 minutes) This presentation is designed to prepare K-12 teachers to teach ShakeAlert-powered earthquake drill lessons.
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Resources for Parents and Guardians
(6 minutes) This presentation is designed to be shared at a PTA, PTO, or other parent/guardian meeting. Speaker notes are provided.
Family Engagement Letter
Teachers will send this home after conducting their ShakeAlert-powered earthquake drill.
Family Engagement Letter (English)
Family Engagement Letter (Spanish)
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ShakeAlert-Powered Curriculum
K-2 Lesson
Intended Time of Year: (anytime, but especially helpful during Great ShakeOut in October)
(Two 30-minute lessons) These lessons teach about Earthquake Early Warning and practice Drop, Cover, and Hold On. K-2 grade-specific worksheets are provided.
1st Grade Student Worksheet
2nd Grade Student Worksheet
OPTIONAL: Print the story, Rocket’s Earthquake Safety Adventure.
OPTIONAL: Print or buy Rocket’s Earthquake Safety Activity Book.
OPTIONAL: Schools are encouraged to sign up for RocketLive!, a 20-minute, interactive, earthquake lesson that integrates Earthquake Early Warning. (Website LINK, Form LINK)
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3-5 Lesson
(60 minutes) This is a lesson to teach about Earthquake Early Warning and to practice Drop, Cover, and Hold On. 3-5 grade-specific worksheets are provided.
3rd Grade Student Worksheet
3rd Grade Answer Key
4th-5th Grade Student Worksheet
4th-5th grade Answer Key
OPTIONAL: Enhance the lesson with one (1) giant Slinky(R) toy, eight (8) small metal Slinky(R) toys, or eight (8) two-meter lengths of rope and a roll of masking tape per classroom.
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6-8 Lesson
(30 minutes) This is a lesson to teach about Earthquake Early Warning and to practice Drop, Cover, and Hold On.
OPTIONAL: Provide students with an Oreo® cookie and a fun-size Milky Way® candy bar for the “plate tectonics” model.
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9-12 Lesson
(15 minutes) This is a lesson to teach about Earthquake Early Warning and to practice Drop, Cover, and Hold On.
MS PowerPoint Note: Click “Enable Content” when you open PowerPoint files. This will ensure all animations, video, and audio work correctly.
No-Cost Professional Assistance
ShakeAlert Ready Schools is for the entire school community and offers no-cost professional assistance from two seasoned school teachers who work in partnership with the ShakeAlert Ready Schools program. Services include assistance to plan and/or implement your ShakeAlert Ready Schools program. Let’s build earthquake resilience in our schools!
Email rdegroot@usgs.gov for connections to this no-cost assistance.
Explore additional ShakeAlert resources at ShakeAlert.org.